
Victor Willert is committed to helping create a strong America once again; one that is looked upon as a leader in global affairs. Together with other free nations, we need to stop the Evil Quad of Nations—Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran—and their proxies from spreading darkness and despair across the world. To achieve this, we will need to:


A strong nation needs to have secure borders in order to protect ourselves from harm, both internally and externally. We need to build that wall to secure our southern border. We need to enforce the current immigration laws and fix our immigration policy and procedures. We need that wall to stop the flow of fentanyl and other drugs pouring into our country. We need the wall to stop the sex-trafficking that is making Las Vegas/ Henderson area a central hub for this illegal and illicit trade that demeans women, men and even children!


A strong nation has strong military to help defend it from all enemies, both foreign and domestic. Currently, we are being stretched around the world in terms of supplying arms to numerous countries, but that makes us weaker as a nation. We need to re-arm our military so they are ready and able to go into action if called upon. We need to restore our strategic oil reserve and have other countries pay their fair share for their own national defense!


A strong nation is built upon laws that we all abide by. When that law is broken, we need to enforce the law and have the criminal justice system work to maintain peace and order in our communities. Our society was built upon law and order, and we need to restore law and order across our great country.


A strong nation needs to create and sustain economic growth. Quality goods were once made in America. We need to bring back the pride that we once had for American- made products. We need to manufacture products that we use every day and not subsidize foreign companies unless they make those products here, in America. America thrives on less taxes and we need to reduce taxes. 


A strong nation is built upon a highly educated population. Parents and teachers need to work together for what is best for the child in terms of educating the child. Parents need to be play an active role in their child's education. Regular parental meetings should be arranged/ scheduled with their teachers to allow for parental input. School Choice, in a limited format, should be allowed.


A strong nation protects those most vulnerable, the elderly. We must protect Social Security and make it solvent. Many Americans, unfortunately, have this income as their only source of income in their "golden years." Social Security was never intended to be the only lifeline for millions of Americans. It was intended to be a supplemental source of income. A promise was made and we need to make good on that promise! That is why we should save Social Security.

Health Care

Have Medicare negotiate prescription drug prices to lower costs for ALL! Everyone will benefit. This will save everyone money especially to those on a fixed income.


Student Loans

To increase and attract more doctors, registered nurses and educators, a five year plan to reduce or eliminate student loans will be enacted. Graduates will sign a five-year agreement to work in a municipal, county, state or government institution for five consecutive years and earn a loan forgiveness for $12,500 for Medical Doctors, $10,000 for Teachers and $8,000 for Registered Nurses for each year worked. Program is open to all US citizens and legal residents.

We, as citizens of this country, need to constantly ask ourselves,
"Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask, what can I do for my country."

-John F. Kennedy

On November 5, 2024, vote for
Victor Willert for Congress

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